Tech Tuesday

Finds and Thoughts about Tech Integration

A Learning Station – Is That What Awesome Looks Like?


EdTechTeacher has another great free resource that I came across… an eBook entitled “What Does Awesome Look Like?” This book focuses on iPad activities in the classroom.

Therefore, for those who are looking for more ideas, you’ve hit the jackpot again!

Personally, I’m very excited to view the book under the lens of making student work stations. In other words, does every student have to be working on an iPad at the same time? My answer: absolutely not! I am interested in leveraging the power of iPads as a student learning station.

Let’s be honest… usually there are not enough devices to go around the entire school, but that doesn’t mean you should skip it. We just have to be a little more creative on how to use what we do have. Also, a station model allows for more individualization and differentiation of the learning objective.

Unsure how to get the ball rolling? I’d love to chat… and if you’re at Abbot, I even can be another set of hands as a co-supervisor of a station, helping building student independence.

We have more iPads on our cart than our largest class size, so let’s get creative!

Please share your thoughts about stations below.

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