Tech Tuesday

Finds and Thoughts about Tech Integration

Posts tagged with Chromebook

App Recommendations for Mobile Devices


One of the most common questions that I am asked is what apps do I recommend. Of course, this question is not so simple to answer. I like lots of different apps…but all for different reasons… In order for me to help someone, I need to know more. I usually follow up with two essential […]

Long time, No Write


So it appears that my blog has become a bit dusty… What can I say? It’s been a very busy fall. Lots of new: Chromebooks, going totally mobile, Genius Hour, Google Apps For Education, Google Classroom, grant writing, a new keyboarding program, to name a few. Last night, I saw a video that actually made […]

Chromebooks – A New Adventure


Yesterday I was greeted with one of Steven W. Anderson‘s “Awesome” tweets: ‘Good Morning! Don’t wait for everything to be right to make your move. Take a chance and see what happens! Be awesome today!’ This tweet really spoke to me… and our new adventures with Chromebooks. I fully admit that I am an Apple […]

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