Tech Tuesday

Finds and Thoughts about Tech Integration

Posts tagged with iMovie

Apple Update 5/4/10 with a Focus on the iPad


I’m sitting at the Spring 2010 Apple Update listening to the latest news, features and hoping to check out the latest products from Apple- otherwise known as the iPad. 🙂 Here are some tidbits… I’m picking and choosing as it’s all so amazing, yet overwhelming at the same time. Apple now has an Apple Education […]

Photo Booth


On Tuesday mornings, there have been a small group of girls in the hallway next to the computer lab. I haven’t been sure what they are doing, but they seem to be very engaged in their activity. One day on my way to a meeting, I decided to be nosey and ask them. They showed […]

Photo Slideshows


When I want to make a photo slideshow, I use three criteria in choosing an application or service: 1. What’s the output need to be? In other words, how do I need to display it? 2. How much pizazz does it need to have to meet the intended goal? 3. How much time do I […]

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