Tech Tuesday

Finds and Thoughts about Tech Integration

What Needs a Make-over in 2017?


Believe it or not, December is here.

A whole lot of excitement for upcoming holidays and vacation time make the weeks often fly by us. Before you know it, we are into the new calendar year. At that point, we often ask students to partake in the traditional activity of New Year’s Resolutions. Sometimes the focus is on school and what students hope to achieve, or maybe it’s of a personal matter. You may even do some reflecting yourself.

My experience is that I tend to focus on personal life resolutions. Maybe, you do as well? Yes, in the past I have pledged to eat healthier, take on a new exercise regimen, drink lots of water each day and even take more deep breaths before reacting to my family. Any of these sound familiar to you?

This year, I’d like to make a proposal that when we have our students make a resolution that we do one as well for our work at school. Honestly, I’m not sure what mine will be yet… But I’d like to invite you to join me in thinking of it in terms of a “make-over”.

What curriculum area, subject, objective or practice needs a little highlighting and sprucing up? What needs a little life breathed into it in 2017? Maybe, there’s a digital learning solution…

Before December gets away from us, let’s take time to reflect now… as well as set a plan in motion to hit the ground running in January.

Abbot Colleagues- I know it’s a busy time of year; however, please let me know if you’d like to set up a time to chat for a few minutes this month.

by posted under Thoughts | 2 Comments »    
2 Comments to

“What Needs a Make-over in 2017?”

  1. December 6th, 2016 at 11:54 am       Ruth Freeman Says:

    I really would like to encourage a classroom resolution of picking up and putting away materials we use. Let’s take pride in our environment and not wait to be told to look under the table or not step over the paper on the floor.

  2. December 6th, 2016 at 12:16 pm       lsanderson Says:

    And putting those digital devices away properly!

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