Tech Tuesday

Finds and Thoughts about Tech Integration

Managing Responsibilities


Taking ownership of shared devices can be tricky. Often, teachers want to keep things flexible and do not assign specific devices from a cart or charging station. That way students can take what is available when the learning objective calls for a digital service. Being in Google or using an online site makes this practice very easy as students can access their accounts and work from any device.

However, there is something to be said for being assigned a device. You clearly are responsible for that device. The school community knows who the exact users are, and when issues arise, it is easier to address them.

Last week, I saw an interesting practice in a grade 3 classroom that kept things flexible, instilled ownership and reminded students about their responsible use promises that they made at the beginning of the school year.

Mrs. Mulholland had her students take their technology licenses (that every student in the school has the opportunity to earn during a responsible use agreement review with an assessment) and used them as placeholders.

In other words, when a student went to use a device, s/he would go to the folder containing the licenses (which is kept on the classroom charging station) and physically put that license into the now empty slot of the classroom station or in a hallway cart.

Here is a photo that I snapped of a cart in the hallway:

I think this action is helpful in several ways:

  • Devices are returned to the correct places. There is no figuring out the slot labels during clean up.
  • Identifying who has a particular device is easy. Students, themselves, can check who has a taken a device.
  • Students constantly are reminded about their agreement to use the digital equipment and Internet responsibly. The symbolism of the license is concrete and applied.

I’m wondering what others think of this management system?

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