I was looking for more information about using Google Hangouts in the classroom, and during my search I came across some great education Google+ Communities.
First of all, what is Google+?
Think facebook which most of us have some familiarity, I’m sure… most likely personal. Google+ is an online community where you can share and interact with people through posts and comments.
Communities in Google+ are groups formed around a particular topic of interest. All you have to do is click on Communities when you are in Google+, and you will see lots of recommendations. When you find a Community that you like, simply click on the Join button. You then will be able to participate fully in posting and commenting.
So why should you join a Google+ Community?
First, it’s a wonderful way to exchange ideas with other educators as well as ask questions about tools & services. Furthermore, the Communities are a great place to make connections and collaborate with teachers and students around the world on projects!
Here are three Communities that I have joined so far:
Google for Education – They are talking G Suite here!
Google Classroom – Share and learn about Classroom. Ask questions, get answers and be inspired by how others are using service.
Connected Classrooms Workshop – Looking to Hangout with other classrooms? This is the community to find them!
I’m hoping to start a Google+ Community for Westford teachers. Would you be willing to join?