Tech Tuesday

Finds and Thoughts about Tech Integration

Keep Up-to-date on Google Classroom


One thing that I appreciate about Google Classroom: it’s constantly evolving. If you are an avid user, I’m sure you have noticed the “pop ups” from time to time explaining new features. Unfortunately, if you’re like me and in a hurry, you may dismiss those “pop ups” without a single thought in order to do what needs to be done at that moment. (We’re never busy, right?!)  And then life happens… and you forget to explore the new feature… cycle repeats until a colleague mentions it, and better yet, shows what s/he is raving about.

Well, I found something that may help keep you in the loop  even if you are an impulsive dismisser: The “What’s new in Classroom” page from Classroom Help. This page is updated monthly by Google itself, giving links that lead to clear visuals on how to use a new feature.

Other ways to stay “in the know”…

So check these out and, perhaps, you’ll be THAT super, cutting edge colleague who now helps everyone else out.

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