Tech Tuesday

Finds and Thoughts about Tech Integration

Posts tagged with planning

Preparing for the Station Rotation Model


So you want to make stations in your room… and want one to be technology infused… I have been thinking about how I can support people who are contemplating this endeavor. I did a little searching around and came across a blog post by Catlin Tucker about the Station Rotation Model. I found it most […]

Genius Hour


I’ve always been a believer in Choice Time. We’re always telling kids what they should be doing at school, and it’s important for them to have some space to pursue their own interests. Making the time for that can be extremely challenging, however, due to curriculum demands. When I was a classroom teacher, my compromise […]

PicPlayPost Palooza


In the last few months, when I have consulted with teachers, I have found myself recommending over and over again the same app… and it seems like it’s been a non-stop party of great projects. So what’s the app? PicPlayPost is its name, and it’s very simple to use. You pick a frame of up […]

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